
Printing Catalogs On A Shoestring Budget

Printing catalogs need not be so expensive that you content yourself with other easy and much cheaper marketing collaterals for your marketing campaigns. You can always avail of the catalog’s effective marketing if you know how to produce them without breaking your budget for it. Here are some ideas to guide you on your catalog printing on a shoestring budget.Design and Layout –You don’t have to shell out a big amount of money for your design and layout. Sure, you need a big amount to pay for unique layouts especially if you’re going to hire a professional graphic artist to do the job for you. However, you can create your own design minus the hired help. Online printing companies have been giving out ready-made templates sometimes for free that any marketer can use for their own requirements. One digital printing company, Printplace.com, have had numerous printplace reviews on their range of design templates. The templates are very easy to customize that any business can design Iphone 4s Dock And Cable a catalog from scratch. All you have to do Wholesale China is add your own design elements and specifications.Printing and Production –You can avail of cheap catalog printing if you know how to save on particular areas of your custom catalogs. You can print more affordably if you can apply full gloss on the cover and not on the rest of the inside pages. The objective is to attract your target clients to read what’s inside, so make sure that you have an interesting cover for your catalog.You can also avail of much simpler and cost effective binding for your catalogs. Instead of going for full perfect binding, you can always try to have the ring binding instead.Mailing and Distribution –You can save on the mailing and distribution of your catalogs by way of the post office. The post office is the cheapest system of distribution. Or you can also hire students to put your catalogs inside the mail boxes on weekends. And of course, you can always give your catalogs to your circle of friends, relatives and acquaintances. Ask them to pass on your catalogs to everyone they know. That way, you’ll be able to send your collaterals to potential customers without having to pay for the distribution.Printing catalogs doesn’t have to be that expensive if you know how to go about cheap catalog printing. Look for printplace reviews and blogs to see how you can save your budget when printing online.

